Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Moon's Heart

I am the moon. I reflect the light of the Sun. At my best, I reflect so much of His light that the night is well-lit. Other times, the things of the world come between us, casting a shadow across my face, so I only reflect some of His light. At my worst, I hide behind all the world has to offer and reflect none of His light. But even then, when the night is darkest and I completely fail to reflect His light, there is still light. Even the new moon is visible. The heavens are never so dark as to leave even this old moon alone. The Sun and all of His stars are always there, and I can always hope to begin again, a new moon means a new opportunity to bathe in His light, to reflect His glory, even to let His light shine from me onto the very same world I hid behind from Him. As long as there is a sky, and as long as I am a moon, the Sun will always be there, giving me a chance, night after night, month after month, to shine in the light of His love.