Tuesday, November 01, 2016

One Question Alignment Quiz

For the D&D crowd: How to determine your alignment, with one simple question:


(a) "Never, unless it is a literal matter of life and death." You're Lawful Good.

(b) "Sure, the law is just a bit too restrictive sometimes, but I always drive safely." You're Chaotic Good.

(c) "Not usually, unless there's an emergency of some sort." You're Neutral Good.

(d) "Of course not, although I will persuade someone else to speed while they are behind the wheel. It's not my ticket." You're Lawful Evil.

(e) "Sure, I drive whatever speed I need to, I don't care about the consequences as long as it works out for me." You're Neutral Evil.

(f) "Sure, I drive whatever speed I want to, I don't care about the consequences at all." You're Chaotic Evil.

(g) "Sometimes I speed, sometimes I do half the speed limit, sometimes I drive in reverse. I don't actually know what the 'rules of the road' are. Don't care, either." You're Chaotic Neutral.

(h) "Never. No matter what." You're Lawful Neutral.

(i) "Sometimes. A bit. If I'm running late, and I think I can get away with it. Or if a lot of other cars are. I usually try not to, though, because tickets cost money." You're Neutral.