Tuesday, September 26, 2006


So... I stopped blogging. Needed to move on. Couldn't explain why, but felt the time was right. My friends offered me many kind words. And now... I'm back. I was gone for all of a week. Heck, my old blog would sit that long without any posts. Third time lucky, maybe?

What occasioned this return? Couldn't tell you (I know, for a guy who's studied logic, I'm pretty haphazard in explaining myself. "Why'd you stop?" Because I felt like it. "Why'd you come back?" Because I felt like it.)

In truth, I'm an addict: a conversation addict. I'll ramble on to myself, I'll have whole discussion groups going on in my head (with more than one participant), I *have* to think in dialogue (even before I'd heard of Hegel...) Hopefully some of you will rejoin the conversation. Once I get an incoherent thought formed, I'll rant and hope for the best. Worst case: I sign up for two or three more blogger accounts and let the inner conversations come out.


Heather said...

So uh... where's the moon jester?

Mike said...

the what? ;-)

Dying Dodo said...

Glad you decided to come back!

Heather said...

well you renamed the site, perhaps it should be Moon Jester's Perch or something ;-)

Mike said...

My math blog was called Moon Jester's Room, which was fun since the blog and I shared the same initials. "Caffeine and Good Intentions" pretty much describes what I'm running on most days!

Dying Dodo said...

Ah caffeiene ... the gift of the gods!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I just got the message you were back. (Woo hoo!) ;o) (Been gone for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

This blogging thing can become quite addictive, though. But, a lot of good thoughts come out of blogging. Keep up the good work. As usual, my friend, you always give me something to ponder.