Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Work, Work, Work

Well, on the work front we've been celebrating this week. Our founding librarian turned 100 this month. Well, she would have if she hadn't died back in '88. I guess this makes this more of a centennial than a birthday. We've had cake in the library (horrors!), balloons, door prizes, and other miscellaneous fun (matching red shirts... I feel like I should be careful beaming down.)

Tonight, under the auspices of the student life committee and the President, we'll experience the first Library Slama Jama. What might this strange confusion of words mean? For one hour they're going to try cramming as many students as possible into the library. I'm coming back out to watch this from the safety of my office. It'll either be Highly Entertaining or a Big Flop.

My reading has been slowly drifting back to the kind of stuff I read in graduate school. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, I should be looking at this "divorced and only getting to see the kids sometimes" thing as an "opportunity" to, I don't know, stop being so lazy and consider doing something with my brain. Not that I'm a super-genius like Wiley E Coyote, but given the canonical six D&D attributes, intelligence is likely my highest stat (for those curious, if I were a D&D character: Slacker - 0 level magic-user - Neutral Good - Strength 6; Intelligence 10; Wisdom 9; Dexterity 8; Constitution 7; Charisma 8 - Hit Points 1 - AC 10) The largest barriers are fear and laziness, neither of which should be my master.

Anyway, just musing. Until then, I'll just play in my little pond and keep blogging.


Dying Dodo said...

The Slama Jama sounds like one great big claustraphobia night mare! Good idea watching from the safety of your office!

Mike said...

Well, it *could* have been, but there was only, like, 60-70 students. So... we'll see if they try this again.

Heather said...

Well, that's better than no students whatsoever.

Fear... bleh, laugh in its face and step right up (she says as if to someone other than herself)

Mike said...

I laugh in Death's face, 'cause she's a perky goth, but Fear, Fear's kinda like an angry Frankenstein monster. Laughing at it is more or less crazy (running, though, is always a good option ;-)

Dying Dodo said...

Well in that case count me in I don't think I would feel to closed in with that situation.

Anonymous said...

So, umm, what's the library's capacity? (Person-wise) ;o) Isn't there a law about... oh, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my husband would have all kinds of fire-hazard-type stuff to say about that. His first question: Are there sprinklers?

Mike said...

We checked with our people in charge of such things, and no one could tell us our legal capacity. Fortunately for safety, there weren't any more folk in here than a typical busy day. Lisa, you "worked" here, do you remember any sprinklers?!?