Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Filking My Soul Away

So I went searching to expand my filk collection this weekend. Of the dozens of songs I downloaded, two struck me deeply: one broke my heart and the other stirred my blood. Michelle Dockrey's The Girl that's Never Been stopped me cold between heartbeats and left me both sad and relieved by the end. I wasn't expecting from the title that it would be drawn from my own favorite source for my personal mythology. The other song is about Loki, and for just a moment, as I listened, my soul experienced a moment of what must have been honest pagan faith (fortunately, it died quickly and the liberal rationalist worked out a semi-convincing explanation of why I really wasn't breaking the first commandment...)

Note - the link to Loki's song I've provided is not the version I first listened to. The version I listened to over at The Filk Archive is performed by Justin Eiler. This one is by the author of the song.


Morgan2112 said...

The Girl That's Never Been is quite the compelling piece. For some reason, she reminds me of Loreena McKennitt.

Mike said...

Yeah, Kara loves Michelle's voice. The story of that particular song is, in the truest sense of the word, enchanting...

Dying Dodo said...

I had a hard time getting the song to download so I was unable to listen, sounds like it's a good one.