Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th... What Could Be Better?!?

Finished Lost Season 2. Very cool storytelling. Survivor meets X-Files, done as a soap opera. More twists and turns than the semi-regular DC comics reshuffling of their universes. Have no doubt that it'll end like a Shakespearean tragedy (or at the very least like Twin Peaks, a dark "How's Annie?" has to be forthcoming...)

The weather here is autumn cool, which is great! I have a stack of books to start reading this weekend, and I've got one more machine to upgrade to Slackware 11. My committment this time is use only 2.6 kernels (when running 10.2 I stayed with 2.4, consequently, my knowledge of udev and other 2.6 niceties is nil. Always a learning curve.) Amarok is a cool music player, though, so I may stay with KDE (ok, I'll play with GNOME when the dropline people get 2.16 out for 11!)

Have a Merry Weekend!


Anonymous said...


Mike said...

Lisa "what?..." as in the title question "what could be better?" or as in "what am I doing posting about Lost and the weather?" (you know the answer to that one!) or "what's all that computer crap at the end?"

Dying Dodo said...

Glad you got to finish Lost. Weather is great, sunshiny and cool!! Leaves are dropping everywhere. As to the last bit completely over my head but hey what's new!

Anonymous said...

Hehe. The bit about the computer crap. Sorry, I inadvertently spread my confusion around. :)