Friday, October 06, 2006

Just a Little Bit of Now

Sailing through day three of a stupid headache... found someone who's lending me Lost Season 2 (w00t!)... am currently reading (and thoroughly enjoying) two books by atheists extolling the virtues of their non-belief... loving this cool autumn weather... brought back my brother's comic book collection from the road trip last weekend, some small core of which was mine before college, but most of the collection is, or was, his. no worries, he's still alive, just passing the books along (now, what am I going to do with 'em?!?)... broke, tired, in pain, but overall in good spirits. Who'da thunk?


Anonymous said...

What do you take for your headaches? I hope this one goes away soon.

I opted not to start watching Lost season 3. I've only seen the beginnings of season 2 and decided I didn't want to get that far ahead of the game.

Mike said...

I've tried all manner of witch-doctory. Nothing really helps consistently...

Anonymous said...

I was asking because I used to get migraines on a regular basis, but haven't had a full-fledged one in years. I never found anything that worked, except something someone gave me when I was overseas once, where you don't need a prescription. I was knocked out for a good 8 hours. ;o)

Mike said...

Yeah, things that knock me out and let me sleep it off usually (but not always) are helpful. For a good solid year after my marriage fell apart I wasn't getting any headaches at all. But now it's back to the a really good one every four to six weeks.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the headache. I never seem to find anything that works either when I get a real killer one. Enjoy Season 2. I did watch the opener on Wed but not sure how many I'll be able to watch after it because of the conflicting shows will be starting next week. Me being the selfless person I am will probable say go ahead and watch your show. On the other hand I can always carry down the kids TV from downstairs hook it to the cable and sit at the bottom of the stairs and watch Lost. Then again maybe not! :-)

Anonymous said...

That sounds rather involved for a TV show you can rent later on in the future. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Yeah that seemed so to me as well which is why I said maybe not! Though I am anxious to find out what happens this week. But will probable not know till it comes out next year.