Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Oh, Joy!

"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" (or so my Googlefied French comes out!) Happy Mardi Gras, gang!!! Ash Wednesday tomorrow and the Lenten season. If you're Christian and liturgical, you find your mind's eye looking towards the cross. Sin, repentance, the death of the old self and the new birth of the new. But tonight... maybe some jambalaya and laughter!


Michael said...

god bless sin.

Mike said...

As Saint Augustine is alleged to have written somewhere "Sin boldly!"

Michael said...

What a wise saint. I suppose if yer gonna do it, you might as well do it well.

I hadn't even realized it was fat tuesday until I read your post. I'm getting older by the second: I should've had extensive party plans going for weeks already!