Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Library Remodeling Steals Blogger's Valuable Time!

The headline says it all... But scanning the circle of bloggers I read, it seems everyone else is Being Busy as well. I'm working on a couple of posts at home (but I've also been watching classic Trek season 1, as loaned to me by the recently promoted Commander J.H. Stein of the US Navy; congrats, dude, you richly deserve it!! And thanks for the loan :-)

OK, the remodeling. Here's my office. Well, the Section of Space Formerly Known As My Office. If you look next to the door, you can see the inside of the book return where books (and other objects) would drop into my office at odd times. Happy note: they removed the book return today, so when my office is rebuilt it won't double as a book drop!

And here's our old circulation desk, well, half of it...

I'm going to miss that desk. I spent many happy hours there as a student worker. The plans for the new desk are pretty cool, though.

Anyway, I hope to get back to kender and drow and necromancers Real Soon Now!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I've been wondering where you were, but I never imagined that kind of destruction. :)

LittlestPenguin said...

Holy wow. Good on you, Slacker! We're having some work done, too, but nothing to this extent!

Dying Dodo said...

Glad that they moved the book return. Hopefully the rebuild will go smothely and quickly. (destruction is always a lot easier than restruction)