Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nothing to See Here, Move Along

The library remodeling is at that "Things Appear to Be Moving Really Slowly" phase (and I'm feeling like I'm not moving much faster...)

Summer is a weird time to be a grown-up. As a kid, summer was magical (even though I was, and still am, a fan of autumn). Now, it just seems hot and humid and electric bills are too high and gas prices are too high. When I was younger, the heat didn't seem to matter so much. I understand the difference between being responsible for bills and being a child, and I truly have no desire to go back to any point in time. I like being where I'm at in life, I liked getting here (mostly), and I suspect I'll enjoy (most of) the future... except for the bad bits. But... where did summer magic go to? Is it like other childish things, something one puts behind, or is it just misplaced, waiting to be found behind some forgotten box of memories yet to be?

PS - Retraction to the Slackware Store being insecure. It's plenty fine secure. My browser must've been balking at things that day :-)


Dying Dodo said...

Maybe it is just that we are too busy with things of everyday life to appreciate the magic of summers. When we were kids there was no place that we had to be, nothing that just had to be done at a certain time. Now as we adults we jobs and can't take the whole summer off. We don't have the fredom to run through a spinkler and laugh. We have to make time to do those things that we took for granted. While on my vacation I will return to some of those carefree feelings of our youth and again enjoy some that summer magic. Hope you can as well next week!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I can't speak to this from both sides, but I think that's probably right. Because even before I was at home with the kids, my husband's job allowed me to take summers off from teaching without having to work, and I could just do whatever I wanted (as long as there was food on the table at some point). And now (although it does require some work on my part), since I'm at home all summer, the kids and I can go berry-picking, swim at the pool, pack a picnic lunch for somewhere, invite friends over, walk down to the General Store for ice cream, etc. So summer hasn't lost much of its appeal for me, and I'm guessing being unemployed is the key. :)

LittlestPenguin said...

Maybe so, but being an adult and not having to go do school also opens us up to the magic of fall, winter, and spring. Sure, there's drudgery, but as long as there are dogwoods and red leaves and snow, there's still a little magic around.

And drow. There's always magic when there are drow around. ;)

Mike said...

Thanks, everyone, for sharing your insight into this little existential dilemma (and double thanks to Penguin for reminding me of the joys of the drow -- just don't tell Morgan, or he'll k-i-l-l me... ;-)