Friday, May 17, 2013

An Apology (Well, Not Really. Not Even Much of an Explanation)

So, yeah... nothing for months, and then a crappy song and two really weak poems. It's been one of those kinds of... what's the word for a period of time longer than a month but shorter than a year? "season"? It's been one of those kinds of seasons. Maybe? Regardless, I find myself desiring to drop bits and pieces of my nonsense once more into the waiting receptacle that is this blog, from which cybernetic plumbing it is flushed into the sewers of your minds. Telecrapathy, if you will, though I for one wouldn't, and really, why would you? But here we are with our predetermined roles to play, I write this drivel, and you read it, though, again, I really wouldn't (read it, that is. Although by now you're wishing I wouldn't write it, either). Alright, more tomorrow, or next week, or next season...

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