Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Top Ten Favorite Comic Book Couples

Yeah, this should have pictures. Maybe I'll add some later. And, no, you're not suppose to care about my opinions on these things. And, finally, yes, I am clearly a DC fanboy.
  1. Barry and Iris: "marital bliss"
  2. Swampy and Abby: "unconventional relationship"
  3. John and Zatanna: "still friends (of a sort) even after the break up"
  4. Querl and Kara: "star-crossed (and time-crossed) love"
  5. Bruce and Selina: "opposites attract"
  6. Wally and Linda: "marital bliss (mostly), now with kids"
  7. Hal and Carol: "on again, off again"
  8. Dick and Kory: "young love"
  9. Joker and Harley: "unrequited love is crazy" 
  10. Clark and Lois: "the classic (comic book) love story"

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