Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Day

Thick ice, lots of snow and wind, and I've been without power since sometime in the middle of the night. Classes were canceled, the offices closed, so of course after a hike to Hardee's for breakfast, I chiseled out my car and drove in to read blogs :-)

Actually, my boss called this morning and said that we'd be working this afternoon (grading papers and getting ready for class next week), so my play time is limited.

Still, I love this weather. I had to use a hammer on my car to break the ice and pry open a door. Driving is treacherous, and if I don't get power soon I'll be less than happy, but right now I'm enjoying being a manic disciple of Jack Frost. Enjoy your weekends!


Anonymous said...

Yes, we're sharing your "joy." My husband was happy, though, and as long as he's the one chiseling the ice, I'm happy too. Although I will say it got kind of chilly in here after about 8 hours with no electricity. But it came back on around 4 am, and at least I didn't have to worry about what to do with the stuff in the fridge. See? Silver lining!

Dying Dodo said...

Seems that all we got was rain and lots of wind!! There were a few flakes this morning but the power has been off and on all over town. Must have been off here at home because every clock is blinking and it's a bit chilly but slowly warming back up!! Jealous of your snow :-)

Anonymous said...

What a tease. We were so hoping for a good snow, but no, all we got is the arctic cold thanks to the system deciding to travel north of us. Enjoy the snow. And have a great weekend.

Mike said...

Well, it's over 24 hours since it went out, and still no power. The kids stayed at their mom's (she has power... what does that say about karma?!?) Last night was ok when I went to bed (under every cover I own) but getting up this morning was a bit less than pleasant (and morning two without a shower is driving me crazy!!!)

Yesterday my car went into the mud and I had to get a couple friends to help me push her out. Then we turned around and pushed another guy out. Fun!

Despite it all, I'm still smiling at the ice and snow and bitter cold. Seriously gang, Jack Frost only gets to do his thing a few short months while Persephone's in the Underworld. It's beautiful, if more than a little dangerous.

Well, I'm going to try for a bit of a wash-up in the washroom in my office building. I could probably slip into a dorm and steal a quick shower (and it may come to that), but we'll try this first (better story this way ;-)

Dying Dodo said...

Yeah, being without power for more than a few hours stinks (literally!). When we had that big ice storm a couple of years ago we went without for almost a week, talk about no fun! Hopefully your power will be restored quickly.

Anonymous said...

Looks on TV like you guys are still digging out yet today. All I can offer you in the way of sympathy is my specialty, the silver lining: It could be worse, you could live in Decatur. How's that?