Monday, October 15, 2007

Restroom Story: You've Been Warned

So, I notice this guy on campus, an undergrad student, wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Buddha that read "Rub My Belly for Good Luck." Ok, yes, Buddha would think it's funny, especially on a conservative Bible college campus. I wanted to say something when I first saw him, but something in me said "wait." Since that's the same something that keeps me from sticking my finger in the spinning blade of a fan (well, there was the one time that sense failed me... but, another story, another time), I opted for listening to it. As Buddha would have it, ten minutes later this student was standing at the next urinal over. I turn and say, "I'm sorry, but this really doesn't seem like the time or place to reach over and rub your belly." I'd like to say that rendered him speechless, but he fires back "I appreciate that." "Still," says I, "wearing Buddha on a Bible college campus, that's pretty gutsy." "Uh-huh," he returns. "Well, have a nice day!" I smile. The student then left the restroom fairly quickly.

I'm not sure whether this story is more Funny, Creepy, or Pointless. But it's been forever since I've shared any bathroom humor on this site... (and too long since I've posted anything. If this is what I'm reduced to, I may as well close this blog now).


Anonymous said...

Hehe. Sounds like you broke Rule #1 as I understand it. (No talking of any kind at the urinals. Or so my husband tells me.) But if I had been there (which would have broken many, many more rules), I would have laughed really hard at this, thereby hopefully reducing the creepiness factor.

Mike said...

Interesting you should mention Rule #1. I was totally on-board with said rule, until I starting working here, where apparently people prefer meetings and conversations in the restroom, even at the urinal, than most other places.

I have to admit, beyond the rules breaking, your presence (and accompanying laughter) may well have increased the creepiness quotient (as an exercise, swap the genders of all involved and see how the creepiness factor, well, creeps upwards). Regardless, thanks for the support (creepy or otherwise!)

Heather said...

that is great and it's good to wait isn't it? "Good things come to those who wait"