Monday, October 01, 2007

Can't Stop Me Now

This weekend my brakes failed. Not totally, just mostly. I was in traffic. In Bloomington. I had the kids with me. Not fun. Thankfully, we made it home in one piece and my car is at the mechanic's.

On the positive side, we found 1 GB usb drives for $10 at Office Max, so I was able to make some amends for the techno-woes of the week before.

We're in full force here at the library, moving towards an Open House on the 9th. All of which to say, I need to get back to shelf construction...

Oh, I caught disc 1 of season 2 of "My Name is Earl" last night. Fun!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Glad you made it back alive. :)

Mike said...

Thanks. Anti-climactic ending: brake lines replaced, car stopping fine. (Should I just delete this post???)

Mike said...

Season, I envy you. I've always wanted a house with a yard to park a non-functioning car in. I pass several dozen such homes on my way to pick up my kids. Someday... (sigh!)

Anonymous said...

Nah, keep it. Life is full of crazy scares like this that turn out all right in the end. It's good reminder of the real (transient) nature of the majority of our urgent concerns. If you want to look at it metaphorically.

Dying Dodo said...

Glad it was an easy fix and hopefully not to expensive.

LittlestPenguin said...

I had to replace my breaks this spring. My poor car. She's better now. Glad yours is too. :)