Friday, January 11, 2008

KDE 4.0

Well, the new release of KDE is out. It looks pretty (but my guess is that it'll be a while before Pat adds it to Slack, which is cool...) In the mean time, I'm thinking of playing with Kubuntu, just to test the new waters. I have the kids this weekend, but come Monday...


Michael said...

KDE, sounds like something I desperately need. That or a VD. In the case of the later, I probably don't desperately need it.

LittlestPenguin said...

I've heard that 4.0 looks a little like Vista, only it, you know, works. I actually had some trouble with KDE / Kubuntu on my laptop, probably related to some proprietary hardware in this thing. Gnome / Ubuntu doesn't seem to be having any problems addressing and fixing those issues.

Mike said...

Yeah, it looks like Vista and runs like Linux :-)

Gnome's a good desktop as well (heck, I even like xfce: Zenwalk is a very slick distro built from Slack that uses xfce.)

I remember "back in the day" using fvwm... Windows 9x was *so* much prettier.

PenguinSushi said...

slacker: "Yeah, it looks like Vista and runs like Linux :-)"

you seem to say 'looks like vista' like it's a *good* thing...

it's been a while since i've "played" with any linux stuff. I may put kde4 on my ubuntu machine to see how it's doing... ...and if it's really that ugly...



Mike said...

In the dinosaur days, before KDE and GNOME, when we used fvwm and twm, things were uglier than Windows (truly!) Now we're at least as pretty (if not prettier) than Redmond's finest.

Sure, pretty doesn't matter too much, but since that's been one of the objections to Linux on the desktop, it's nice to see that objection made moot.

And yes, KDE4 is really *that* ugly. Give them time, and Linux may not only beat out Redmond, but maybe give Cupertino a run for their money.

PenguinSushi said...

heh. i think the ugliest wm i ever used was icewm. I didn't get into linux until around 2000(?), so I got to have kde2 and gnome pretty much from the start.

I've always thought that KDE wm's were fairly pretty - if for no other reason than you could customize a lot on them... ...Which is why i'd be quite surprised if you couldn't get kde4 to look *much* better than any windows theme.

...on a similar note, I'd say that that appearance customization is the only thing I miss not having in OSX.