Friday, February 15, 2008

Another Random Posting

Two thirds of the way through Lost, season 3. I'm pretty sure that the story is being made up by stoned monkeys just *this* close to evolving into the next higher form of life...

Reading John F. Haught's critique of the new atheists. Some of his critiques I can rebut, but many of them I can't. Looks like I'm still a theist for another day :-)

A week from tomorrow, James Emory White will be on campus. The author of many books, including the delightful little devotional, A Mind for God, White is an exceptionally clear thinker and communicator who has thought far more about Christianity and culture than I ever will. Should be good and challenging!

I've begun thinking about board games lately. Chess, checkers, Othello, mancala, go, even backgammon (which I haven't played since I was ten... zowee, that's thirty years ago. I honestly do not remember the rules... sad, sad old man's memory). Can't tell you why my mind's been turning in that direction, just that it has.

Well, my nutritious breakfast of Pop-Tarts and Mountain Dew has been dutifully consumed and the clock suggests I should switch to worker bee mode. I hope y'all have a good weekend!


Mike said...

I learned to play from the music teacher at my elementary school, who was a cool, hippie-type who had students over for games and home-made bread (at least, I'm assuming I'm not the only student she ever had over).

Heather said...

I think if you watch Jericho you will find that the story line is also "lost" confusing and interwoven... too much junk, give me more coherent storyline and I'll watch it...

What brought on the games?