Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Don't Know About Where You're At...

...but it smells too good outside to be trapped in an office today! The temperature is perfect, the breeze is perfect, and the leafy smell of fall is perfect.


Morgan2112 said...

Dude... Sounds like we're standing in the same place.

Dying Dodo said...

The weather is perfect who wants to stay inside? Anybody up for a game of tag?

Morgan2112 said...

Are we still allowed to play tag, Dodo? We might hurt ourselves, ya know...! (g)

Dying Dodo said...

Well if you put on the proper safety equipment, make sure that you have the oversized tires on you walker in place, and oxygen tank securely in place I believe that you will be alright! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Where is the warmth? Right now, it is down right cold. I think the weather said something about snow flurries later in the week? I am definitely not ready for winter, especially with everything that I need to get done this week. I'm truely hoping the weather is wrong, and it ends up being very nice. Oh, well, at least I have someone to keep me warm at night.

Heather said...

it's a bit dreary outside today and about 11 minutes ago we were put under a tornado watch... ah well, it's still nice :)

Mike said...

yep, one week later and its gray, wet, and windy (and, sadly, I'm actually loving it... something about walking into rain that is being blown straight into your face that is invigorating!)