Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ex-wife went down for an interview about 3 hours south of here. If she gets it, I won't be seeing the kids through the week like I do, which is depressing me a bit (and if she doesn't get this one, she'll keep trying. The new job puts her significantly closer to her boyfriend's home. gag!) The kids don't know the details of the where of her interview. I really don't want to leave this job, but I don't want to miss out on my kids' lives, either. Damn.

Elsewise, I now have a small glass bottle with a bit of sulfur in it sitting on my desk. It's a combination of an object lesson from our dean and a bit of perversity on my part. Incidentally, does anyone know if inhaling sulfur is bad for you?

I've been reading, but I can't remember what at the moment (sulfur? nah, just stress.)

I hope y'all are doing well out there in the RealWorld!


Michael said...
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Michael said...

Damn, man! That blows. Shame on the ex-wife for potentially moving away. Since I don't have children, I really can't sympathize with how you're feeling, but I do know that if someone were to have half custody of my dog and moved further away with him, I'd be livid. I imagine that the feelings for children might even create a stronger reaction. ;-)

Here's what you need to do: when you have the children, make sure you do all of the fun things that they love. Then, when they spend time with their mom, they'll be hating it and wishing they were [with] you. It's the small things that make one feel better about things...

Mike said...

Thanks for the kind words. Apparently she's being called back for a second interview, so...

Anonymous said...

We live 2 hours away from the boys' dad. The boys only see their dad every other weekend. They don't have that mid week visit. But, when I decided to move up here, we made a compromise and I take the boys to him. But, their has been an upside to moving away: Their dad doesn't take for granted his weekend visits anymore and he even calls them a couple of times during the week, which is something he very seldom did when living in rural Lawrence county. I'm sorry about what is happening with HER. Hope things work out in your favor, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the harmful properties of sulfur fumes, but that really makes me laugh, probably because I can picture you smelling it. My husband would do the exact same thing.

I hope she's not moving away. And I hope you're not moving away. But keep us posted.

Dying Dodo said...

Damn, Damn, Damn on that second interview!!!! Didn't think enough bad thoughts, sorry. Keep us posted your in my prayers.

Sulfer? no clue, in my case I don't think it would make much of difference anyway, I'm in a bit of fog most of the time right now anyway. :-)