Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow and Rain

I'm grateful for the two days of deep snow and bitter winds. Winter... the kind you can trudge through knee-deep (or more!) snow, where temperatures are prefixed with a minus sign. Raw elements sort of put the melodrama of human "angst" in the background. Maslow's pyramid: physical survival trumps moody self-absorption (thank God!) But the winter has passed, and now it's just cold again. I pray the fire of love burns freely and fiercely in your souls, my friends.


Anonymous said...

The snow was very pretty here, too. Unfortunately, it has been really cold, and now that I have had my one good snow for the winter, I am so ready for spring. They are calling for 1-3 more inches of snow tomorrow, which is very small consolation for what we all ready have.

Mike said...

Season, you bring much joy to my virtual life, but I think I have some serious issues with you at this moment ;-)

Mike said...

That is EXACTLY the kind of thing you shouldn't be telling me.