Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cinderella and the Geek

Just finished watching Cinderella III with my daughter. I've never been a big Cinderella fan, but I actually enjoyed the movie. I'm not saying I fell in love with a Disney character (especially since Tink would be really jealous), but I found both Cinderella and the Prince to be much more interesting characters than I remembered from before. Musically, the movie wasn't as good (to my sensibilities) as either classic Disney nor the best of the new Disney tunes, but the story and characters more than made up for it, for me anyway.

Geek news: Debian Linux finally released version 4.0 this month. May 1 is the release date for OpenBSD 4.1, but the biggest news, for my money, is the flurry of activity in the Slackware -current changelog. Whether the next release is 11.1 or 12 only Pat knows, but there are several major upgrades, including the gcc 4 series for the compiler tool chain and no more 2.4 kernels! So much for all those trolls who claim Slackware is "the bleeding edge of 1995." While the new book from No Starch Press about Designing BSD Rootkits is a tempting call to join the FreeBSD camp, Slackware still continues to deliver an operating system that feels like home.

In other news... I've been thinking about "childhood friends and the dreams we had." Dreams. I'm not sure that most of my dreams were terribly realistic (I'm not sure any of my current ones are, either). One of you bloggers has talked about seeing what's in front of you. C.S. Lewis talks about how going backwards is sometimes the way to make progress (like if you've gone down a wrong path, you have to go back to where you've went amiss to get to the right path). I'm not saying that I've gone down a wrong path (but I have, of course, made my share--and then some--of mistakes), but sometimes looking backward is the way to see what's in front of you. Maybe. Like River, "I don't know what I'm saying, I never know what I'm saying."


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about going back into time. I have often thought, wouldn't it be great to go back to 1988, with what I know now, and make totally different decisions than I made back then. Maybe some of our lives would have been much better because of those choices that we made back when. Haven't seen the new Cinderella movie yet. Having little boys, it isn't exactly something they would be looking forward to watching. Even though, I did always think the prince was quite cute:)

Michael said...

Your geekiness is ever-impressive. Seriously, I wish I had the time to learn about all of that stuff. It's something I'm really interested in and enjoy, but just don't have the time to take seriously.

On the other hand, the 3rd of a Disney animated feature was...good? That's surprising. After the second Little Mermaid I had lost hope for any sequels, let alone some of the original features. Will have to give it a shot I guess...

Mike said...

Dude, you should so NOT be impressed. I'm a superficial wanna-be rather than a true geek.

C3 was fun, if for no other reason than it upped the power of the villain to Snow White/Sleeping Beauty levels (which makes for a more interesting plot).

My daughter has also recently put me through watching Barbie Fairytopia 3: Magic of the Rainbow. But it was truly, truly bad...

Dying Dodo said...

OH man, my deepest sympathies to you on the Barbie Fairytopia 3 thing, some things are just to horrible to endure! lol