Monday, September 24, 2007

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

I've caught the Heroes bug. A friend of mine loaned me the DVDs and I watched all seven discs in the space of a day and a half. My favorite character is Mohinder Suresh (followed by Charlie and Molly). I don't want to talk plot because spoilers are bad. Am I the only one who sees this show as seriously addicting?


Heather said...

I watched the season premiere last night. I've missed some of the first season, but it's very interesting. Graphic novel style of course... I think the most interesting part (stepping back and looking at the larger picture) is the multi-ethnic incorporation. I like Suresh too.

Mike said...

Yeah, I really like the multi-ethnic, multi-threaded whole world perspective (even though ultimately everything boils down to a US scenario).